Athlete of the Month [ppdate]

Amanda T.

one of our original members, joining at the very start of CrossFit Osiris back in 2017. She has an amazing mental toughness to go along with her impressive worth ethic inside and outside the gym.

Our December Athlete of the Month is Amanda Thilquist! Amanda is an oncology nurse navigator for Abbott Northwestern by day, specifically working with esophageal and gastric cancer patients. She is also a co-founder of the non-profit organization, Period Kits MN, with the goal to end period poverty in MN! During the summer Amanda loves to be on the water, surfing like a champ behind the boat or hanging out with her friends. The rest of the year she travels when she can, cheers on the Vikings during football season, explores new breweries and distilleries, and picks up a new book with her book club. She spends a great deal of time with her 5 nieces and nephews and the family she has created within CrossFit Osiris. She is a very busy lady!! Here’s a little bit more about our amazing Athlete of The Month:

What are some of your personal dreams/goals?

To travel to Italy, New Zealand, and many many other beach vacations. My ultimate goal would be to retire and spend the winters in Clearwater Beach Florida with some hottie! I also really want to get a dog and to try not to embarrass myself on the golf course.

What else can you tell us about yourself?

I’m kind of a nerd; a Harry Potter nerd specifically. I played the flute all the through high school and in the pep band. I cry during commercials about old people and dogs. Also, if you ever want to discuss women’s rights and equality, I would love to chat!!

What’s your athletic background?

I played Volleyball through high school and was in JO leagues all year round.

If you could write a workout, what would it be?

I think it would be something like:

5 RFT:

250m Row

20 Wall Balls

10 Hang Cleans

25 Double Unders

How often do you attend, and which class do you typically attend?

I am there 5-6 days a week. I used to consistently be a 5:30 pm attendee, but now I like to shake it up and go to some 8:30 am and noon classes as well.

What are some of your fitness goals?

At this point, my goals are to maintain muscle mass and lose a bit more body fat. Really just not to hurt myself and make current issues worse.

What are some improvements or progress you have seen while at Osiris?

I got my first muscle-up at Osiris and many PRs.

What is your favorite cheat meal?

Pasta, pasta, pasta!

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