Consistency, dedication, and hard work are essential, and Amber is an excellent example. You can always count on her positive attitude and bright smile.
Amber didn’t have an extensive athletic background when she began CrossFit 7 years ago. She participated in a 6-week basketball season in middle school and decided it wasn’t for her. Today, she calls CrossFit “the most athletic thing” she has ever done! Seven years is a long time, and she is rocking it! Even with her crazy busy schedule, numerous hobbies and careers, Amber finds the time to make it into our evening classes three times a week. Consistency, dedication, and hard work are essential, and Amber is an excellent example. You can always count on her positive attitude and bright smile. Here is a little more about when Amber attends class, her ideal workout, and, of course, her favorite cheat meal:
How often do you attend, and which class do you typically attend?
I attend the 4:30pm/5:30pm classes 3x per week.
If you could write a workout, what would it be?
Anything that includes hang power cleans and calories on the echo bike!
What is your favorite cheat meal?
Do chips and queso count as a meal?? Literally, any type of Mexican food is my jam!
What are some improvements or progress you have seen while at Osiris?
Overall, my mental fortitude and physical strength have been the biggest improvements! CrossFit has taught me that I can do WAY more than I ever thought I was capable of and I absolutely love that!
What are some of your fitness goals?
I would love to be able to do assisted pull-ups and improve my Power Clean technique to increase my weight on that movement.
What would you say to someone who is on the fence about starting CrossFit?
Just do it! I promise it’s not a cult! Absolutely everything is scalable to your ability level and the community you will find is unlike anything else.
What has your experience been like at CrossFit Osiris?
My experience has been a JOURNEY to say the least! Osiris has been a place of immense mental and physical growth for me. I love that I can show up to every class and give it all I’ve got! Some days my all might be 50% and some days it might be 100%, but regardless I know that after every workout I am going to be just a little bit better and a little bit stronger than before. Consistency is the key! Never in my life, did I ever think I would be able to call myself an athlete, but here I am!
What keeps you coming back?
The community and accountability! There is just nothing like the Osiris Fam.