Athlete of the Month [ppdate]

Bill V.

Bill shows up, puts work in & pushes himself to improve and progress every day! He has a great sense of humor, and you can often find him joking back and forth with other athletes or coaches before an

Bill, didn’t start CrossFit with a traditional athletic background like many of our other athletes. Nonetheless, he picked up CrossFit quickly and has stuck with it since. We are so fortunate that Bill walked through our doors a year and a half ago when searching for his place in the fitness world!

What do you do for a living?

I apply a protective and cosmetic finish on a variety of sheet metal products. In other words, I’m a painter. I’m going on 30 years in this field and have been at my current shop in Rogers for a year and a half.

How do you spend your free time?

During my time off I like to shoot darts, play volleyball, spend too much time on fantasy football, and visit breweries and new restaurants. I like spending time with my two boys who are 23 & 15. They surprise me every day with how much they’ve matured and how they have turned into incredible young adults.

What’s your athletic background?

I didn’t participate in sports in school, but played “Wednesday night football” in an un-officiated league. It was full of a good mix of ex-jocks. That went on for about five years or so after high school. Since then, I have been looking for the right gym. Lifetime, Gold’s, Planet Fitness… Then I tried CrossFit after my divorce and finally found a home that teaches, motivates, and keeps you accountable for your fitness.

What are some of your personal goals?

My personal goals are to keep growing and refining my habits. Work out more, eat cleaner, try more, do more and keep pushing myself.

What are your fitness goals?

I would like to stay fit and healthy as long as possible. I have to fight for it. Once you stop using it, you lose it.

What has your experience been like at CrossFit Osiris?

I love it. The more I attend, the easier it gets. The class setting and great coaching pushes me farther than I can do on my own.

What keeps you coming back?

I feel better after each workout, and now I’m addicted to that feeling.

What would you say to someone on the fence about starting CrossFit?

CrossFit might not be for everyone, but you should give it an honest shot and have an open mind to explore what it can do for you.

How often and which class do you attend?

I’m a regular at the 4:30 pm class, but I prefer mornings whenever I don’t have to go to work.

What are some improvements/progress you have seen since joining?

I feel stronger, and it helps a ton with the physical labor I do at work.

If you could write a workout, what would it be?

I like long workouts, like hero WODs, where I’m completely exhausted afterwards. I Definitely favor bench press and push-ups, but I can’t stand anything to do with rope climbing.

What is your favorite “cheat meal”?

The big Italian at Jersey Mikes.

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