Athlete of the Month [ppdate]

Edward O.

You can bet that when you meet Ed, he will have a smile on his face, a wicked sense of humor, and a positive attitude!

What are some of your personal dreams/goals?
I’ve always wanted to complete an Iron Man Triathlon, but the whole 3rd leg of the race seems like drag.

What are some of your fitness goals?
Just to feel healthy and happy through my day-to-day.

What are some improvements/progress you have seen while at CrossFit Osiris?
After two years, I finally got my first double-under. Most recently, I just put the dots together on a kipping HSPU (2.5 years). Coach RayLynn took the time to beat into me on how to hold the barbell, so I’d quit swinging it out like a kettlebell. That was a game-changer.

What is your athletic background?
I swam for 12 years competitively. Now, I float on a noodle with a beverage competitively.

If you could write a workout, what would it be?
Probably an EMOM that has heavy cleans (or a complex building to that), with one of every other minute being designated for rest time. Rest is the best. 

What is your favorite cheat meal?
This list might be longer than the healthy meals I eat, but I love fried chicken (in any form). Chicken sandwich, fried chicken on its own, chicken and waffles, chicken wings. Also, not white meat chicken. That good ole dark meat chicken.

What do you do for a living?
I’m a franchisee with Hand & Stone Massage and Facial Spa. I enjoy working with people ultimately and building sustainable solutions to chronic problems.

How do you spend your free time?
I spend most of my time with Mads. Goofing off. No matter if we are traveling, exploring the outdoors, hanging out with our dogs, or friends, that is ultimately how I spend my free time just goofing around. If I’m lucky I’m doing all of that with a good bourbon in my hand.

Anthing else you would like to share about your personal life?
My two hams are genetic. I did not work for those. I know some people might be curious in the AM crew.

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