Athlete of the Month [ppdate]

Michelle C.

Michelle is a bright light in our gym with a can-do attitude and a wonderful sense of positivity.

Our March AOTM, Michelle, started CrossFit with no athletic background. Her biggest motivator to start and stick with CrossFit this long was the health of her family members and herself. She watched her Father’s health deteriorate back in 2018, at which point she and her brother made a pact to take care of their bodies together. Her overall goal is to stay healthy and strong!

What do you do for a living?

I work for the State of MN DEED Vocational Rehabilitation Services. Our agency assists job seekers with disabilities in finding and maintaining employment. My role is to support businesses that are seeking to diversify their workforce and create a match between the talent we represent and jobs that don’t interfere with their disabilities. I am part of the strategic initiatives developing programs, supporting new teams and coordinating with our community partners. If anyone would like help finding employees hit me up.

How do you spend your free time? What are some hobbies?

I love to travel and explore new places. When I was growing up we would take summer road trips across the country and I hope to spend some of my retirement doing the same. In the summer you will find me out on the boat, floating in the lake and staying with friends on North Long Lake in Brainerd. I am an avid summer gardener and have killed every houseplant I have ever owned. My gardens in the summer are beautiful and I enjoy experimenting with new plants and creating my own garden pots. I enjoy knitting and especially knitting lace following complicated patterns. My family and friends are very important to me and I love to cook and bake for them.

What was your athletic background?

Zip, zero, nada. I have struggled with weight, coordination, and stamina my entire life. Before the age of 50, when I could no longer stand up in my garden without holding onto something, I had not stepped foot into a gym. I called and registered for the next boot camp and questioned my sanity daily during the six-week boot camp. I persevered and was so proud of my accomplishment at the end of six weeks. I was feeling better, looking better and had experienced the mental health benefits of working out. I continued to sign up for 6-week boot camps and joined Osiris. [Afterward], Vanessa encouraged me to sign up for regular CrossFit classes. During my onboarding, my goal was to be able to successfully lift a yellow bar with no weight on it. I can now successfully manage the red bar!!

Tell us more about how you started CrossFit?

My dad suffered a debilitating stroke in 2018 and subsequently passed away. He continues to be my motivation for continuing with CF. My goal is to stay heart-healthy and escape a family history of diabetes. My brother (who works out at FXB) and I have a pact never to end up with diabetes and the debilitating diseases that it causes. Before I joined CF, I received botox injections in my neck for cervical dystonia. Since CF, I have been able to discontinue the shots because of the strength that I have acquired.

How often and when do you typically attend class?

Ideally, I like to attend three days per week, and I prefer the noon class. I like the 8:30a class when I can work it into my schedule.

What is your favorite “cheat” meal?

Anything Mexican, lots of chips and queso!

If you could write a workout, what would it be?

It would include deadlifts, ball slams (nothing gets your aggression out better!) and bikes for cardio. I also like the stretching we do after the workouts.

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